Thursday, October 9, 2014

Ask Christa: What I Would Tell My 17 year old self

"If you could give your 10 year younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?"

*in my Cher voice* Oh if I could turn back time!!

I'd tell myself, "Christa, you will make a lot of mistakes. Stop spending so much time worrying about making them! You will survive and in turn, become a better person if you learn from them."

My 17 year old self strived for perfection. Looking back, I could've been living life more freely instead of constantly fearing rejection and failure.

And even if I'd encountered rejection and failure, I would've learned from those mistakes.

But I will say this: everything happens exactly when it's meant to. I look back and wonder if I would've taken that advice or if I would've been my usual know-it-all self and brushed it off.

We can't appreciate anything that we aren't ready for, whether that be a job/career, relationships, etc. Everything has its time and place.

And sometimes, we have to make many many many mistakes before we realize that the advice that our parents and older friends have given us was indeed true. Mom was right all along haha!

Learning to unlearn my pressing need to have control and be perfect has been quite an experience for me but I've learned so much. And I'm becoming a better person because it simply was time to mature.

I appreciate your question! Thanks for reading! Peace!!

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