Sunday, June 30, 2013

Happy One Year Blogiversary!!!!!

My, how time flies!! On this day in 2012, I started my blog with the intentions of simply sharing my thoughts with my readers, both friends and strangers. I've experienced a lot but most importantly, I've learned quite a bit....check out the answers to some of the most frequent questions I've been asked!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Green Technology for the Modern Gardener

 Dating back to ancient times, gardening has been a timeless tradition. All green thumb enthusiasts, ranging from the big-time fruit tree and berry farmer to the retired school teacher, utilize gardening as a means of nourishment, therapy, and economical profit.
Photo courtesy of

But what options does a gardener have that is both more time and money efficient and green technology sensitive? How can he/she cultivate a garden today in unusual climate conditions due to record-breaking weather extremities which have resulted in the second coldest spring in history? 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Christa Goes Natural!

For the past two years, I've been more experimental with my hair than I've ever been in my entire 26 years. Last Thursday on May 23rd, I made the biggest decision yet...
Before my new haircut...excuse the dandruff, my scalp was overdue for a good scalp scrubbing!