Saturday, April 20, 2013

Sunrise Photoshoot

Photography has always been a fun hobby of mine but for the past year and a half, it's grown into a passion. For me, it's not only a great way to capture moments that you'll never have again but it's become another outlet of therapy. Sometimes when I'm feeling sad or stressed, I'll grab my Nikon and go exploring. This morning, at the crack of dawn, I got together with some fellow photographers for my first sunrise photoshoot. It was chilly and too early to be out of bed on a Saturday morning but I'm glad I dismissed all of the excuses I made for myself. If you want to perfect your craft, you have to do three things: 1) Commit to your craft  2) Surround yourself with people who are already where you want to be and 3) Practice Practice PRACTICE!!!! Check out some of my favorite pictures from my shoot :-)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

So You Say You've Moved On...

Ladies and Gentlemen, this isn't going to be a pretty blog post about relationships. There will be no sugarcoating. What I'm about to share with you comes from a place of tough love and some past failures and experiences, both personal and impersonal. Sometimes you need to hear the truth from people who have experienced what you're going through...I hope you're ready.