Thursday, August 9, 2012

Girl Code!

Guy Code is one of my favorite shows to watch. I love to hear what most guys are thinking, usually because they're so candid. This doesn't mean that I completely understand because after all, I am a woman and despite the recent uprising, I can't think like a man. Anyway, what that show has inspired to me to do is to write my own rules/advice, but for the sensible woman:


  • Have your own $$. Gone are the days of the helpless female. Life never works out the way that you want it to so never ever go anywhere without your own dinero. You never want to be in a place where the lack of money inhibits you from escaping from a disagreeable situation. If you've got a job/career, you can provide for yourself. No excuses.
  • Dress according to your body type. Or don't...but this isn't for the woman who's in denial about what is aesthetically pleasing for her body. You don't want to be that girl whose dress/skirt is so short, your vagina makes several introductions to everyone in the room...and then you wonder why you've suddenly been swarmed by salivating men...not a good look. Remember, "Your clothes should be tight enough to show you're a woman, and loose enough to show you're a lady." You see that word that's underlined right? If you disagree, get some standards :-)
  • Check your emotions at the door. Get a hold of yourself before you go anywhere. Have you ever been out with friends and a song comes on and you start thinking of *insert name here* and you get pissed and hysterical at the same time? Yeah, that's your fault for going out, knowing good and well you should've stayed home and dealt with your emotions. We know when we are ready to be out in public. Your friends will understand; shoot, if they're good friends, they'll stay with you and have a Waiting to Exhale male bashing/ negative emotion purging party complete with wine and one sober friend who won't let you drunk dial that bastard who did you dirty :-)
  • If you don't have a workout regime, get one. Certain body parts become softer and flabbier as we get older. For instance, I don't like the gym. I prefer the studio (dance/yoga/pilates/Zumba) because the gym is boring to me. I have to do other activities that are fun and will give me a good workout as well. If you don't want to go to either the gym or studio, do something at home. Jump ropes are $3 at Walmart! Turn to the Fitness channel or steal some moves from those annoying Insanity informercials. Borrow a workout DVD from a friend. Stop being lazy and take care of your body. It's worth it. 
  • Stay clean. The days where we smelled like Baby Magic lotion and Johnson & Johnson baby powder are a distant memory. The summer is still here, which means you should be showering daily at the bare minimum. If you're out, and you can't shower, get a small toiletry bag and fill it with travel sized deodorant, wipes (baby or feminine), etc; trust me, you and everyone else around you will be thankful.  We're expected to smell good. It's weird and uncomfortable if you don't. 
  • Get a hobby. There was a time when I found myself bored after work. After a very active high school and college life, this was not going to work for me; I needed a balance between business and pleasure. Partying got old in college. So I joined a dance studio, signed up to be an ESL tutor, started this blog, did some research and found photography and outdoor sports groups. It really is enriching to have fun things to do when I come home after working 8+ hours. If you don't have something entertaining in your life, do some research and start having a more fulfilled life! 

*Here are 2 of my favorite comedians Lil Duval & Charlamagne Tha God on Guy Code. Click here to check out the episodes...hilarious!!*

What's are your girl/guy codes? Comment below, I would love to hear them! I'll progressively post more Girl Codes. Hope you enjoyed!! Don't forget to check out my previous post. Peace :-)


  1. I am working on many different areas of my life; guess you could say doing some soul searching. Lol But HOBBIES and WORK OUTS are on my current to do list. Becoming a Zumba instructor has become my LOVE/HOBBY. It forces me to work out which is definitely a major plus! It allows me to do something I LOVE to do-DANCE! And burn major calories at the same time! Can we say WINNING! :-D And I agree, as for women, we should and need to have things that we like to do outside of work! Makes life much more interesting, fulfilling and fun! Enjoyed this blog!! Definitely will be visiting The ChristaSphere again! ~Erica Ford~

    1. Soul searching is something that I find myself doing more regularly. It's good for you. And wow to you becoming a Zumba instructor! Tell everyone where you teach and maybe some of my readers can come check you out! Zumba is so much fun and it totally kicks my butt every time I do it. That's the type of workouts I like lol. Thanks so much for reading Erica!! I appreciate you!!

    2. You are so welcome Christa!!! Thank you for this blog! Definitely have to show my fellow Spartan some love!! :) I hold Zumba class at Ziggy's night club 170 West 9th St. Winston Salem NC 27101. Every Monday at 7pm. For more info you (if you're ever in the area) and your readers can email me:! Thanks for the support Christa!!


    I completely agree with getting a workout regime and sticking to it! There are so many fun ways to stay in shape for those of us who prefer not to run the treadmill for a friggin hour:/ And I love a good Waiting to Exhale, dramatic moment with the girls! But that annoying whiney friend…not so much.

    Some of my girl codes are:
    1. Don’t mess with your friend’s man whether she’s still with him or not. Not now, not ever. It WILL come back to haunt you…and God don’t like ugly.

    2. Keep your hair fly at all times. Keeping it clean is only the beginning. If you wear a wig or weave, maintain that ish! (and please don’t let it be synthetic!)

    3. GET RID OF 12-YEAR OLD ACNE (meaning you've rocked it for 12+ years). I’m sorry but that ish is not cute. There are too many affordable products out there. Try some or just take your lazy ass to a dermatologist. Ahahaha (I was thinking about *insert here* when I wrote this).

    Love the blog and girl codes!!! There are essential to our lives and completely hilarious…everything that makes us WOMEN.

    1. Lol you know how I feel about that darn gym! And we all need our Waiting to Exhale parties. Think of what we'd do if we didn't have those crucial lol AHAHAAHAHAHAA!! Love you sista girl!
