Monday, May 27, 2013

Dating Games!

So, you're dating someone new. It's exciting and fun....until you realize that you're a player in the Dating Games. Sometimes these games are played with the unselfish intent of gaining information about the person you like...but most times, they're not. And then, you are left wondering when in the H-E-Double-Sticks did you miss this announcement:  "Welcome! Welcome!! Happy Dating Games! And may the odds ever be in your favor!" What are some of these games you ask? Read on....

  1. The "I'm too busy to do such and such" game:  We're adults so naturally, we have things that preoccupy our time, whether that be a job, school, or an active social life. But there are those who like to pretend that they're too busy to make time to spend with you, in hopes of you either craving more attention from them or to make you lose interest in them. Being "too busy" is a choice. You make time for the things and people that you want in your life. If the person you're dating isn't available  to spend time with you, then you should be too busy for their excuses.
  2. The "Let's see who will be the first to communicate" game: This is probably the one of the  most irritating games that someone can play. If you like someone, you should let them know. If you want to talk to someone, you should. Regardless of your gender, people like to know that someone is interested. Don't listen to the "rules" that say that you should wait 3 days to call after you've gotten someone's number or if someone texts you, to wait 60 minutes so that you won't appear eager. Communication should always flow freely between two people who like each other!
  3. The "Yes we've had sex before but we're just really good friends now" game: Now, don't get me wrong, there are people who have truly moved on and can be strictly platonic friends, regardless of their sexual past. But those people are few. So if you're dating someone new, but their ex is still calling and "hanging out", please know that it is because that line of communication is still wide open. You can try and dismiss this as much as you want to, but it's not a good idea to have your ex around while you're with your potential next. Sharing is only cool in kindergarten.
  4. The "I expect you to have psychic powers" game: There is nothing more frustrating than finding out that the person you've been dating has been harboring old feelings against you, because they were either afraid to hurt your feelings or offend you. Speak up. Open your mouth and voice how you feel. If someone makes you mad, tell them. If you need some alone time, say it. Don't just disappear and pop back up a few days later like nothing happened; that's rude. If you think your partner is beautiful, special, handsome, whatever, say it. Don't assume that people know how you feel about them or know what you're going through, especially if don't say it... and then show it (which matters just as much, if not more than saying it). 
  5. The "I can't leave the past in the past" game: We all have gone through some crazy and emotional relationships in the past. And there were times where we didn't know how we were going to be able to move on and be happy. But sometimes, while we're in the process of getting over someone, we met a new person. And because we haven't healed from the previous relationship, we bring emotional baggage into the next one. You can't do that and live happily ever after. Sometimes you have to tell that person, "Hey, look, I like you, but I'm emotionally unavailable right now. I need some space to clear my head and get my life together." That person may be a little hurt, but they'd respect you for being honest and not dragging their heart in the mud.
Now, I haven't listed all of these games for you guys to go out here and play them. The point is to identify and encourage you NOT to play them. They're a waste of time and someone always hurt in the end. So grow up. Games get old after awhile and if you continue to play them, you'll be playing by yourself!

Hope you guys liked this post! Share your thoughts, I love to read them! Peace loves :-)


  1. I am really not sure what to say here because I'm sure we all have experienced these at one point in time or another. Games are the worse because if you find out you're the one that has been played, with a broken heart you come to the realization that you wasted valuable time and sacrifice on someone that was not as giving of heart as you, when that time could have been spent with someone else. It happens! Each time it happens it does not get any easier.

    1. In addition, I know you and I have discussed purging before, but in this case: when you know someone played games with you, try and get over that as quickly as possible!

    2. It is such a waste of time, especially if you tolerate it past a certain point, which ends up being your fault for putting up with the mind games! I think adults who play games are immature, plain and simple. What does the bible say in 1 Corinthians 13:11 say? "...But when I became a (wo)man, I put away childish things." And yes, you do have to purge!! That's just the unfortunate part of distancing yourself from someone with whom you thought you had a future...

    3. 1 Corinthians 13:11...yes indeed. Put away childish things. You would think as we get older we would want to, however, some of us just can not let it go!

      That is very disappointing when it seems so promising at first and then things fall apart. It may seem old fashioned and difficult, but I think we should try to abstain from certain things when we are in a relationship in order to put that "potential future" on notice that you really have to earn me. That way, if games are being played, that truth will eventually surface before intimate emotion is involved. I think that makes it easier to move on from it should things not work out. Yeah I know, easier said than done especially for us homies lol.

    4. Yeah, just about everything is easier said than done but there are just some who have to learn through experience, ya know??

  2. sharing is only fun in kindergarten; might be the funniest nd truest line ever

    1. It's so true lol! Thanks for reading and commenting Monty!!
