Friday, October 12, 2012

Reflections of Year 25


     If you had asked my 18 year old self where I would be by the time I was 25, I would have said: "I'll be an international French interpreter living in some metropolitan city with my husband and our 2.5 kids. I'd drive a forest green Range Rover with chocolate brown leather seats and live in a two story colonial home with a black standard poodle named Sheeba." Today, I laugh at my plans for myself, not because they are unachievable, but because I was naive to think that I could give a deadline for where I'd be by the time I turned 25. I can't imagine being married now. I realize that I wanted to be married with kids because my parents had done so when they were 21 and 22. I wanted to be an international interpreter because I loved speaking French and travelling. I'm a city girl who has always loved the culture and hustle and bustle that a huge city provides. The truck and house were just material things that I thought I wanted. I still have some of those dreams, but with a more mature and realistic view.

     I'm 1 day shy of my 26th birthday and as I reflect back on those 18 year old dreams, it's hit me that time flies by entirely too quickly. The fact that I can say that I'll be 26 is jarring. I knew I'd get older but I never took time to accept life after 25 lol. I'm in no way depressed or in denial for the simple facts that I've never been more confident, wiser, or open to the curveballs that life has thrown my way. In the past, I was fed up with the way my friends dissed me on my birthdays, giving excuse after excuse of why they couldn't celebrate with me, even after I'd ALWAYS been there for them. I was tired of going to the club and hearing the same ol' songs. I was more than disappointed with the way I'd feel after my birthday, wishing I had done something completely different than the lame birthday dinners with coworkers and sometimey friends. So last year, I went paintballing. I got to live out my Mission Impossible-esque fantasy and I was unprepared with the amount of fun I had. From then on, I knew that I couldn't do what others wanted. It was truly all about me and my happiness.

I look fearless right?! That purple sure did blend well with the green scenery :-P
    This year, I won't be at any one's club, rolling my eyes at the meaningless music of today. I won't be at T.G.I.Friday's eating mediocre food and pretending that I'm having the time of my life. I won't be getting drunk, because after all, why would you want to celebrate and then wake up with no recollection of what you did?? No thanks! I'll be spending my birthday with my family and close friends. I'll be two-stepping at a live jazz club with friends who make me holler with laughter. I'll be bonding with my mom & siblings at the state fair, stuffing my face with a turkey leg and funnel cake. I'll be going to an outdoor musical festival called "House on The Lake", an event that celebrates House music. I'll also be seeing one of my all time favorite artists Erykah Badu in concert for the first time. And I'm ECSTATIC, because these are the things that I want to do to ring in a new year of life.

   I hope you feel inspired to try something new for your own birthday. This world owes you nothing but you, you deserve to taste the excitement and thrills that new experiences can bring. So enjoy the day that you were brought into this world. I'll be somewhere this weekend with a birthday hat and party-blower, celebrating all that God has given me. Peace loves! Until Year 26 ;-)


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