Saturday, September 27, 2014

Ask Christa: What Makes Me Happy

"I'm always struggling to find my happiness. How do you find yours? What are the things that make you happy?"
Struggling to find our happiness is something that we deal with, more times than we'd like to admit.

We spend an insane amount of time worrying about the future and stressing out over the past all while forgetting that we are in the present and what we do in the present affects us.

What happened in the past will not change. We can guess and imagine what will happen in the future but until it actually happens, it's unknown. All we have is today, right now, this very moment to seek our own happiness.

I find happiness by doing the things that I love and trying new things to see if it could grow into something that makes me happy. I usually do these things solo.

I also sometimes find happiness by identifying what doesn't/hasn't made me happy. Then I do the opposite. After awhile, you start to notice a pattern in your unhappiness.

I noticed that my pattern was placing someone else's happiness above my own, saying yes when I should've said no...sometimes, HELL no.

And I try to make sure that whatever environment that I choose to be in, is one that makes me happy.

A lot of us are told to be selfless, to put others before ourselves but we aren't taught how to maintain our happiness at the same time. They say that selfish people aren't good people because they're too concerned with themselves...

What's wrong with that? The question should be why aren't you concerned with yourself and what brings you happiness? Because you totally should be.

Sacrifice the state of your well being no more. Pay attention to your moods as well. For example, I've recognized that I'm very happy when I:

  • Laugh with my students at the most silliest things
  • Listen to Yuna: her music is an instant mood lifter
  • Have a good hair day
  • Get uninterrupted reading/sleep time
  • Talk to my brother and sister 
  • Give/receive HUGS!! And I'm not talking about a one armed butt sticking out kind of hug. I'm talking the full embrace, back rubbing, slightly swaying while hugging type of hug
  • Master a hard move in dance class
  • Get lost with my camera at an unfamiliar place
  • Share my thoughts with my readers! 
I encourage you to make a happiness list. Write them down and post them in a place that you'll see it on a regular basis so that you can make happiness an every day goal! You are worth it!!

Thanks for your question! Peace!!


  1. This takes discipline and and substantial time to learn and I am still learning. In addition to what has already been written, it takes being honest with yourself. Not being ashamed in what makes you happy and doing it. Many times, I have put others before myself while my goals, which were all good productive things, were missed in translation trying to make others happy and you know what that made me CB? Miserable! I would rather be happy! Thank you for addressing this and I am glad I am reading it because another thing that makes me happy is The ChristaSphere :-).

    1. You're so supportive, thank you!!! Making others happy by doing what I love makes it all worth it :-)
