Friday, June 7, 2013

Green Technology for the Modern Gardener

 Dating back to ancient times, gardening has been a timeless tradition. All green thumb enthusiasts, ranging from the big-time fruit tree and berry farmer to the retired school teacher, utilize gardening as a means of nourishment, therapy, and economical profit.
Photo courtesy of

But what options does a gardener have that is both more time and money efficient and green technology sensitive? How can he/she cultivate a garden today in unusual climate conditions due to record-breaking weather extremities which have resulted in the second coldest spring in history? 

One method is hydroponics. Hydroponics is a green technology method of keeping and preserving land in its natural state by utilizing unconventional spaces to grow plants with water and a nutrient solution instead of soil. Although soil is widely believed to be important in the growth of plants, water, along with the essential nutrients, can be the most important factor to successful hydro-gardening/farming. 

A hydro-garden can help plants reach its full genetic potential for various reasons:
  • The plants can be grown anywhere, from a basement in an apartment building to the rooftop of a building in an urban neighborhood.
  • Soil borne and air borne pests are easier to eliminate because the plants are organically grown and the environment is controlled.
  • If researched properly, your plants can gain exactly what is needed by having a detailed feeding system; for example, not only would your tomatoes be fed the primary nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium), but a micronutrient such as zinc, can be added to help aid with growth and sugar consumption.
 Because this green technology concept allows you to closely control your garden, your plants, fruits, and/or vegetables are able to be harvested year-round, regardless of climate conditions in your area. The produce is much more fresh and healthier and can be sold locally, which would assist in air pollution reduction from airplanes and trucks. Not only can the average Joe have a hydro-garden on his rooftop, he can also help to reduce the carbon footprint and wastefulness of water. 
Photo courtesy of

It’s not only cost effective and practical for the amateur gardener who wants to take advantage of green technology benefits, it is also beneficial to the Earth and human body. And in a growingly conscious society where concern for our food safety is rapidly increasing, it's great to know that there's an easier way to grow delicious produce and make our world greener by using hydroponics. 


  1. Great article. We've got to get back our roots; Earth's getting tired of humans depleting its fruits without a beneficial collateral. Hopefully this will assist...

    1. I think a lot of people don't realize how much we take from the Earth without giving back. We have to make ourselves and others more aware of preserving and nurturing it as it does to us. Thank you so much for reading Richmond!!!

  2. Very informative Chris! The climate and the weather is changing and we may have to change with it. Finding innovative ways to survive will be part of that change. Also there has been a steady decrease in our bees which are aiding the deficiency in our crops.

    1. You're right, we do have to find innovative ways! And once we become aware of those methods, we have to implement them. Everyone has to do their part to lessen our carbon footprint on the earth!
